They call him
Been flying his own plane since 14 years of age
Soccer Official
Collegiate, regional & national attendee Over 2,800games officiated
Barlow is a performer!
Craziest professional speaker
Emmy Award Winning Producer
Created, produced & directed 1,945 viral videos
New Age Broadcaster!
Creating OTT and social platforms for non traditional
Founding partner of Sugar Bookger Creator of offside & offside academy followed by 70,000 people
Brian Barlow is known as a major marketing disruptor. He started that way too.
The very first conference Barlow attended was only a moderate indication of things to come. It was 2007 and Barlow had just started Pineapple Advertising, with a few thousand dollars in hand and a heart filled with of hope, Barlow entered the marketing world by telling the conservative and traditional auto industry “Your commercials suck!”
It was a high risk gamble. Like putting all your chips not on red, not even on black but green and spinning the roulette wheel just one single time. Those mentoring Barlow and his investors recommended a safer approach, something more subtle and less abrasive but Barlow being new, eager and someone who thrives on controversial approaches, put all his chips on green, spun the wheel and what do you know. It hit green!
Barlow’s message, approach and “your commercials suck” t-shirt presentation in a conference room full of 1000’s in Stuart Hughes diamond editions suits resonated. Barlow was a breath of fresh air – bold, truthful & energetic with a creative solution like one never seen before. Barlow was going to change things and he did
From borrowing a few thousand dollars from investors to growing annual sales upwards of $12,000,000, Barlow had made an entire industry rethink how they presented their brand and message to the public. Gone were the days of big dramatic overbearing voiceover commercials that promised everything and delivered nothing. Barlow had a tactic of commonality “make the dealer look likeable, relatable and eager, someone who had a decent life and family not a con-artist.” What do you know, it worked.
As Barlow continued to grow Pineapple Advertising his influence as a Marketing Maverick was taking shape. Barlow was developing a reputation as a creative trend-setter not just as a marketing agency owner with major project wins like being awarded with national jewelry retailer Martin Flyer.
And then one of the country’s largest RV dealers requested Barlow’s creative expertise and a few months later reshaped the brand and image of BLUE DOG RV with a style of commercials and marketing never before seen in the RV industry.
It was a big win as Barlow led Blue Dog’s marketing through to unchartered growth for the group. While Barlow was reshaping company marketing tactics with his dynamic creative approach, he was also quickly becoming one the most requested professional marketing speakers for companies and conferences needing a high on energy personality.
The descriptive used to get inside of Barlow’s creative genious is the word “crazy”. According to Barlow you just have to get crazy. be crazy. do crazy. produce crazy and show crazy. Now Barlow carries the platform!!! Barlow refuses to call his presentations “presentations” and he prefers to call them “performances!” As you can imagine, they’re addictively crazy with an entire marketing focus on crazy mindset training methodology built to engage the mind because after crazy is sales, profit and marketing success!
Barlow is on a crazy mission – it’s uncomfortable at first but after a few minutes crazy is the only way to be! Barlow has delivered 100’s of performances in front of 250,000 people