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Create a Facebook, Instagram & TIKTOK  account – that’s all the media you need to reach your target demographic.


Make  your marketing fun & engaging! For parents and the  kids.


Create a behavioral standard.  Be bold and  outspoken about it.


Hold proven perpetrators accountable.   Be bold and outspoken  about it.


Create a carnival-like atmosphere at least once a season for the kids.


Make a big deal about positive sportsmanship.  Be bold and  outspoken about it.


All coaches need to understand club dynamics and culture, and they condone the behavior good or bad.


First season refs and refs under 18 need to be labeled, easily identified and off-limits of any misbehaving parent.


Give all players under the age of 12 yellow and red cards they can show their parents while playing, the first one means hush, the other means leave.