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Understand the “laws” or “rules” of your sport front, back, and sideways. It creates confidence, which creates body language, which creates perception, which turns into reality, thus making your job a lot easier from the first step you take onto the playing surface.


Look professional! No wrinkles, form-fitting attire, good footwear, and a clean face.


Smile.The perception is that you’re a jerk, and you hate their team.The reality is, you don’t. So smile and do it often when appropriate.


Show up on time


Kill them with kindness until sternness is the only option.


Figure out your strengths and build a toolbox around those things.Figure out your weaknesses and don’t let anyone see them


Get fit.  No one likes a referee who just stands there or who looks like they are one more donut away from a 600-pound life documentary – no one is ever going to tell you this in person, so I will.


Call the simple stuff. It eliminates the harder stuff


The higher ranking your badge,  the more subservient your attitude should be


Find a mentor, someone who is honest, good at being an official, and wants to invest time into you.Then listen, learn, and react.